I will have to make this brief.. 52 bags of leaves today have my body recognizing the value of rest and relaxation... the pleasure and abundance of sleep... cuddling under blankets in the chilly weather..
Before I give in to the free float of sleep.. let me tell you that I am living proof of the abundance of life. I site here.. reclining in the bed that marks my new temporary home.. in Mt Airy, PA.. really a part of Philly still.. but, a wonderful little neighborhood that is known for its colorful, well educated community of diversity.
It is a great comfort to be back in this wonderful neighborhood. The mere returning to this area of the "city" (though it feels more town than city) brings about a shift.. I already have more work coming in.. and it is coming to me.. as I believed it would when I was more clear. As the clearing builds.. so will the work that will fund my upcoming BIG trip.
Soon Yona and I will walk the woods that Attah and I once traversed daily.. without exception for the first 6 months of her life. For the rest of her life she and I were blessed with daily woodland excursions and dog park outings that ranged from 45 min-3 hours daily in total. It was an extraordinary way to live a life.. for any dog let alone human living within 20 min. of a metropolis the size of Philly.
While Attah was with me I was learning to focus my attention on abundance. She of course was much better practiced than I... which is one of the reasons I saw that lovely canine as my guide.
Now, my life is coming full circle with a twist. I can feel in my bones the temporary nature of my stay.. though there is much beauty to be had here.. there is, after all, beauty everywhere.
I am focused on daily practices that will at once earn me cash to do the trip and help refine my focus of what I want, and what I believe is possible.
Work is beginning to flow.. dog portraits, uncommon portraits.. I'll set up a link once I get the web stuff under way... dog behavioral work seems to be flowing comfortably again, and a mix bag of other income producing work that feeds my soul... and I hope.. the souls of others.
Yona is in wonderful health, on the heals of Lyme diagnosis, I saw him run today like he was a 3 year old canine athlete. He is a very powerful little man/ dog. He has a big crush on the mature West Highland Terrier that resides here. Clearly the feeling is mutual. She bolted today for her front door... clearly anticipating Yona's presence.
My work is shifting in ways that surprise and delight me. All of it feels aligned with my greatest desires.. and all will help me to refine my picture of what exactly is the perfect life for me. I suspect this image will metamorph over time.. into an ever evolving picture that suits my every need.
I have a lot I am interested in learning so this blog may be more fluid in its repsentation, more worth the read.. and a great foundation for the next level of my manifestation on this plane.
In my next writing, unless something remarkable occurs that feels truly noteworthy.. I will share with you a story about Attah.. and what it is that led me to this path... until then.. let me say this..
my abundant life fills me with great satisfaction knowing I am exactly where I want to be.. and exactly where I need to be to receive everything my heart desires.
The next posting will also include a link to an inspirational clip a friend made..
Sleep calls me dreamily away...
until next time..
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