Sunday, August 2, 2009

Summer: The Heat Is On

It is hard to believe, but, summer is in its final stages.

It was my intention to have many posts by this point of summer. It seems however, the wheel of fortune has spun me an unexpected collection of experiences that have given me pause and required more of my mental focus than anticipated.

Living life by the seat of one's pants can be very tricky business. No surprise more folks don't just JUMP on the heart-guided path that leans ever more off-the-grid. .. and into "the wilds" of one's heart if not those of the physical plain.

This seemingly haphazard journey has brought a flurry of realizations that have required I face the magnitude and heat of my personal demons as well as learn to be more mindful of (and allowing for), the flow of abundance.

This should be no surprise if you have had more than a couple conversations with me in the past two years.

Learning to embrace abundance has been my primary, deliberate and intense focus since I moved to the lush, special apartment where my dear friend Rumi, (the cat) was killed by a stray dog. It was this apartment that I was tethered to as I traveled to England and Ireland during the completion of my "Canine Communication Certification" with Jan Fennell, and subsequent spirit work in Ireland. It was this same apartment I resided in as I faced the world on the heels of the loss of Attah, (the dog who inspired the year long journey that is upcoming and the heart centered reason for this blog).

Each of the pinnacle moments mentioned above offered powerful shifts that have influenced my current path and repeatedly, in the face of contrast (or great challenge), offered a reawakening to abundance on the heels of each instance.

At this time, I have been offered the opportunity to see myself in the reflection of human eyes as I learn again to explore the catacombs of my own heart and gently place my feet in the halls of the heart of another.

It seems as if every step of the way the experiences on this journey have allowed for a refinement of focus and a strengthening that can only happen when we face the fire of life's challenges. Of course, facing the fire of one's heart and one's life has the potential to bring about powerful changes. Whether these changes remain on the path or offer clutter for the path is the question, isn't it?

My heart continually returns to the centered belief that there is no such thing as coincidence. And yet, I waver on occasion, in those moments when the furnace blast surprises me and I forget my footing. However, there remains a mystery to this process that feels alchemical and in that way, always speaks of fortune in the end.

On that note, I have renewed my commitment to this blog and will, in short order, return to this blog, to share with you the development of the unfolding that has lead to my journey.

A dear spirit-friend of mine in Ireland reminded me in early summer that, while my physical journey has not yet begun, there is the possibility that the inner journey I have undertaken by stepping into relationship with someone is a big part of my larger journey. My journey was intended, after all, as a path to go inward.. and THAT I am surely doing.

Until next post...
repeat after me, "I relinquish my grasp on limitation, so I may allow the flow of abundance.. "

1 comment:

meintheniverse said...

It's great to see your latest post. Bravo!!!! Very much looking forward to more.

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